TMCT is the iwi
authority it is responsible for progressing matters relating to the
wellbeing of its beneficiaries.
These include progressing Rangitāne O Manawatū Treaty of Waitangi claims, providing Educational Scholarships
to its beneficiaries and undertaking a range of consultation with local,
regional and national organisations on issues that affect Rangitāne O Manawatū.
To become a registered beneficiary of Tanenuiarangi Manawatū Charitable Trust, a beneficiary roll application must be completed by the
whanau. This enables parents, their children and their children's
children, to register on the one form.
To be eligible to become a beneficiary of TMCT one has to whakapapa into one of the following hapū of Rangitāne O Manawatū:
Ngāti Hineaute - Palmerston North District
Te Rangitepaia - Manawatū/Horowhenua District
Te Rangiaranaki - Palmerston North/Horowhenua District
Ngāti Mairehau - Manawatū/Horowhenua District
Te Rangitauira (Ngāti Tauira) - Manawatū/Rangitikei District
Further TMCT Beneficiaries information
OURS - The Manawatū Leaders' Accord
The Manawatū River flows through all of us. It shapes our region and reflects our people. It is precious because it is OURS.
The Manawatū River Leaders forum have released
its plan of action to improve the river and catchment over the next five
years. This plan is a commitment by your Iwi/Hapū, local government,
industry, farming, environmental and recreational leaders to over 100
collaborative actions. It builds on work achieved under the first Action
Plan launched in 2011 and we want you to be part of the journey as we
work together to improve our river.
Completed under the initial Action Plan
- 98,595 plants planted along waterways with 4,200 planted at the source.
- 326.8km of stream side fencing.
- 98 Environmental Farm Plans completed.
- 17 community projects completed.
- Six waste water plants upgraded
- 15 fish barriers to fish migration removed or fixed.
- One of New Zealand's largest inanga spawning sites identified at Whirokino.
Kei te ora te wai,
Kei te ora te whenua,
Kei te ora te tangata.
If the water is healthy, the land and the people are nourished.