Wai 182 - The Manawatū Claim
Wai 182 was originally lodged by the late TMCT Chief Executive Ruth
Jacqueline Hera Harris on behalf of herself and all other descendants of
Rangitāne O Manawatū, with the support and the assistance of TMCT with
the Waitangi Tribunal on 20th December 1990. It was subsequently amended
on 19th April 1993.
Following hui in 1997, TMCT was given the mandate by Rangitāne O Manawatū beneficiaries to enter into direct negotiations with the Crown
to settle Wai 182. TMCT subsequently lodged this deed of mandate with the
Crown who accepted TMCT mandate to enter into direct negotiations in
respect of Wai 182. A Terms of Negotiation was signed between TMCT and
the Crown on 27th July 1998. The terms set out the:
- Objectives of negotiations between TMCT and the Crown;
- Procedure for direct negotiations;
- Scope of issues TMCT and the Crown would discuss as part of the negotiations process; and
- Crown requirements of direct negotiations.
Following negotiations, TMCT and the Crown signed a "Heads of
Agreement" on 25th November 1999, which set out the then proposed
settlement of Rangitāne O Manawatū historical claims against the Crown
in respect of Wai 182. The Heads contained the then redress cultural,
commercial and financial, the Crown was at that time offering Rangitāne O Manawatū beneficiaries.
In 2005 TMCT went through a mandate reconfirmation process with its
beneficiaries, who overwhelmingly supported TMCT ongoing mandate to
negotiate their claims. In June 2007 the Crown confirmed Tanenuiarangi Manawatū Charitable Trust was an appropriate body to continue to represent
Rangitāne O Manawatū in on-going Treaty negotiations with the Crown.
Thus, direct negotiations recommenced with the Crown towards the end of
In March 2012 a group of RoM beneficiaries lodged an application with
the Waitangi Tribunal seeking an urgent hearing basically challenging
TMCT mandate yet again. The Tribunal declined the application for an
urgent hearing and found amongst other things TMCT mandate valid. The
Crown continues to have full confidence in TMCT mandate to settle the
Post Settlement Governance (PSGE) Entity Ratification Process
In 2014, the RoM Negotiators undertook the Ratification Process for
the RoM Settlement Trust which was proposed as the legal entity to
receive, hold and manage the RoM Treaty Settlement. These included hui
in Hamilton, Auckland, Wellington, Blenheim, Hastings and Palmerston
The Minister in Charge for Treaty Negotiations and the Minister for
Maori Development considered the results of the ratification of the
proposed Rangitāne O Manawatū Post Settlement Governance Entity, the RoM
Settlement Trust.
They advised in January 2015, they consider the overall results
demonstrate sufficient support from the Rangitāne O Manawatū claimant
community for the RoM Settlement Trust to be established to receive and
manage the settlement redress.
The results of the PSGE ratification process are set out below
Participation rate
(valid votes only) |
Approval rate |
Disapproval rate |
Invalid votes
(blank) |
Resolution |
372 votes |
265 votes |
95 votes |
12 votes |
This has paved the way for RoM to complete the settlement including the
Trustee election process to be undertaken independently by the Crown,
and ratification of the initialed Deed of Settlement.
Initialed Deed of Settlement
The ratification process for the initialed Deed of Settlement is now
completed. Overall it went very well. We received notification in late
August 2015 that both the Minister in Charge of Treaty of Waitangi
Negotiations and the Minister of Maori Development have considered the
outcome of the ratification process of the RoM Deed of Settlement.
They consider that the results of the ratification have demonstrated a
sufficient level of support from the RoM claimant community for the
Crown and RoM to consider the Deed of Settlement ratified and ready for
Of the votes received 85% voted yes to the Deed of Settlement resolution namely that:
“I as a member of Rangitāne O Manawatū support the Deed of Settlement and authorise Rangitāne O Manawatū Negotiators and the elected trustees of the Rangitāne O Manawatū Settlement Trust, to accept and sign the Deed of Settlement on
behalf of Rangitāne O Manawatū” .
Election Process for Trustees to Rangitāne O Manawatū Settlement Trust
This election process was managed and run by the Office of Treaty
Settlements completely independent of Tanenuiarangi Manawatū Charitable Trust and the RoM Negotiators.
This process was completed on Monday 10 August 2015. The results of
the elections are that the inaugural Trustees to the Rangitāne O Manawatū Settlement Trust are as follows;
- Potaka Tait – Ngāti Mairehau;
- Terry Hapi – Rangitepaia;
- Louis Smith-Te Mete – Hineaute;
- Tina Kawana – Rangiaranaki;
- Chris Whaiapu – Ngāti Kapuarangi; and
- Danielle Harris – Ngāti Tauira.
We wish the Trustees well on the Settlement implementation journey.
The trust had its inaugural meeting on Tuesday 15 September 2015. At
the meeting Danielle Harris was elected as Chair of the Rangitāne O Manawatū Settlement Trust and Terry Hapi as the Deputy Chair. As well
the Trustees passed the necessary resolution to approve the signing of
the Deed of Settlement.
Deed of Settlement Signing – Saturday 14 November 2015
The Rangitāne O Manawatū Deed of Settlement signing occurred on
Saturday the 14th November 2015 at Te Hotu Manawa o Rangitāne O Manawatū Marae. It was a wonderful day full of Rangimarie, humility and