
Background, Rohe & Services


Tanenuiarangi Manawatū Charitable Trust ("TMCT") has been the mandated iwi for Rangitāne O Manawatū since 1989. Its members are the natural descendants of the hapu of Rangitāne O Manawatū. These hapū include:

Ngāti Hineaute - Palmerston North District
Te Rangitepaia - Manawatū/Horowhenua District
Te Rangiaranaki - Palmerston North/Horowhenua District
Ngāti Mairehau - Manawatū/Horowhenua District
Te Rangitauira (Ngati Tauira) - Manawatū/Rangitikei District

Rohe of Rangitāne O Manawatū
Tanenuiarangi Manawatu Inc Rohe

The rohe (boundary) of Rangitāne O Manawatū commences at the southern bank at the mouth of the Rangitikei River at the Tasman Sea then up that river to Orangipango then eastwards in a straight line to Te Hekenga in the Ruahine Ranges then southwards along the summit of the Ruahine Range to continue along the summit of the Tararua Range to the peak of Taramea then westward in a straight line to the mouth of the Manawatū River at the Tasman Sea then northwards along the coast to the commencement point at the mouth of the Rangitikei River.

TMCT is located at Te Hotu Manawa O Rangitāne O Manawatū,
140-148 Maxwells Line, Palmerston North.


TMCT services are mainly provided through its subsidiaries Best Care (Whakapai Hauora) Charitable Trust, Kia Ora FM 89.8 and Te Hotu Manawa O Rangitāne O Manawatū Marae Charitable Trust. However, as the iwi authority it is responsible for progressing matters relating to the wellbeing of its beneficiaries.

These include progressing Rangitāne O Manawatū Treaty of Waitangi claims, providing Educational Scholarships to its beneficiaries and undertaking a range of consultation with local, regional and national organisations on issues that affect Rangitāne O Manawatū.

TMCT's other main role is to provide management and administrative support to its subsidiaries.

> click here to go to KIA ORA FM
> click here to go to Te Hotu Manawa O Rangitāne O Manawatū Marae

Key Services

Te Mauri O Rangitāne O Manawatū

Rangitāne O Manawatū Kaumātua and Kuia and Kaumātua and Kuia of the Maata Waka
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Te Hotu Manawa O Rangitāne O Manawatū Marae

We have conference facilities available for hire within a Kaupapa Māori setting.
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