Te Mauri O Rangitāne O Manawatū are made up of Rangitāne O Manawatū Kaumātua and Kuia and Kaumātua and Kuia of the Maata Waka (Kaumātua and
Kuia who live in the Manawatū but are from other iwi).
Kaumātua and Kuia from the Maata Waka sit with Te Mauri O Rangitāne O Manawatū as there are a number of issues that happen within Rangitāne O Manawatū rohe which impact on Maata Waka as well. Kaumatua and Kuia
from the Maata Waka however, do not deliberate on Rangitāne O Manawatū matters.
Te Mauri O Rangitāne O Manawatū is not a legal entity as it operates in accordance with Maori lore.
Members of Te Mauri O Rangitāne O Manawatū
All Rangitāne O Manawatū Kaumātua and Kuia are welcome to join Te
Mauri O Rangitāne O Manawatū as are Kaumātua and Kuia from the Maata
Waka. There is however, a core group who meet regularly.
Consultation with Te Mauri O Rangitāne O Manawatū
If you or your organisation wishes to consult with Te Mauri O
Rangitāne O Manawatū, please write to Te Mauri at the contact details
Te Mauri O Rangitāne O Manawatū
PO Box 1341
Palmerston North
Telephone: (06) 353-1881
Facsimile: (06) 353-1880
Te Mauri meet on the second Wednesday of every month with Tanenuiarangi Manawatū Charitable Trust. Meetings start at 10:00am and all Rangitāne O Manawatū beneficiaries whether registered with Tanenuiarangi Manawatū Charitable Trust or not are welcome to attend these meetings. These meetings
are publicly advertised each month in our local papers.